Apple Pie Recipe

11:11 AM Cynthia 0 Comments

I really like the fall time because I can start baking again.  I love the warm oven air that fills my home with apple and cinnamon scent.  This is first time making an Apple Pie. I love how the pie crust get golden brown and the chopped apples get soften.  Here’s my masterpiece, it’s simple and I tried to be extra creative by adding a heart in the center of the pie.
Here’s the recipe:

Apple Pie Recipe  

For 1 pie, diameter 18cm] apples : 2 sugar : 20g lemon juice : a little cinnamon [optional] : a little egg [to “glue” the pie] : 1 frozen pie sheets [store bought] : 3 pieces
  1. remove the pie sheets from the refrigerator and defrost
  2. remove skin from the apple
  3. slice the apple in slices around 5 mm thick
  4. to prevent the apples from changing color, soak them in salt water
  5. put the apples, sugar, cinnamon in a pan and turn on the heat, keep frying until the apples become translucent in color
  6. add lemon juice to adjust the acidity
  7. move the apples from the pan to a bowl and let them cool down
  8. add flour [not included in ingredients] and roll the three pie sheets to around 2-3mm thick
  9. put the pie sheet into the fridge for 30 minutes to chill
  10. cut the pie sheet into a round shape hint : using a knife would make the pie crust to collapse, so use a pie cutter instead :D
  11. cut out 1 cm strips from the remaining two pie sheets
  12. put the apples on the pie sheet
  13. spread some of the egg mixture around the pie sheet
  14. weave a checker patten on top of the apples with the strips
  15. cut off the bits that are sticking out
  16. put more of the egg mixture around the base of the pie
  17. stack up more of the pie sheets
  18. stack up more pie sheets around the base of the pie
  19. cover the entire surface of the pie with the egg mixture
  20. preheat the oven to 200 °C and bake the pie for 30 minutes

Good luck in the kitchen!