My diet plan

8:28 AM Cynthia 0 Comments

I was never to keen on watching my diet from my early 20s till in my early 30s.  I eat what I want and don't really care if I gained.  Eating makes me happy, especially when I'm with a friend.  But now I lost that circle of friends because I have my own busy schedules and they have theirs too. Eating wasn't much fun anymore.

Unfortunately I'm not blessed with a perfect figure, I have an hour glass shape figure and it was very hard in losing weight.  I know that I have a slow metabolism.  Each new year I always tell myself to eat healthy and workout more.  Things never changed and I still procrastinated continuing eating and gaining.  My highest and heaviest was almost 138lbs being 4'11.  I also have a heavy set of breast that makes feel unconscious more of myself.

This is my journey on losing weight and attempt on documenting my journey. I want to see that change instead of doing nothing.  Last summer my husband encouraged me to get a gym plan and found a place for me where I can jog or doing some weights.  I attempted to go to the gym at least 2 times a week.  At first it was hard I started on the treadmill running 1 miles took me 30 mins within 5 lapses.  I try to pace it up each time.  My current stat now is 17 mins 1 mile 3 lapses and I jog the whole way through.

This is me before and after from 136 lbs to 108 lbs.  I've been also watching what I eat as well.  I recently pulled out my old juicer and decided to do more juicing.

Carrot Juice 
  • •1 Pear
  • •2 Apples 
  • •1 Big Carrot
  • •1 Small Ginger 

I hope I will see more results and keep continuing my healthy journey.