Cook Book: Maangchi's Real Korean Cooking

2:04 PM Cynthia 0 Comments

I was beyond thrill when receiving this book and I can't wait to look through the recipes.  There are times I tend enjoy cooking a meal at home rather than going out to eat.  This helps me not to over eat and also watch out my portion control.  I try to emphasize on my diet control here on my blog a lot, because it's a good way to remind me to try to stay healthier and eating healthier.  Recently I decided to make Korean Fried Chicken for my family and friends.  We have a tendency to order Korean Fried Chicken when we go out to eat, but it can get pretty expensive. Instead I decided to make my own version of it.  I normally don't always fried stuff, I only fried stuff for special occasions.  My outcome of my Korean Fried Chicken came out pretty well and my family and friends really enjoyed.  I hope to make more Korean dishes in the long run and reading Maangchi's book is a great way to start for me. 

What kind of new recipes you would like to try? 

Disclosure:  I'm not affiliated with this book company, this book was purchased on own