My Current Wishlist

3:30 PM Cynthia 0 Comments

I'm currently obsessing over this pink bag and I always wanted a pink bag.  I notice I have way to many neutral bags and  I wanted something fun but yet simple.  A little bit over the Christmas holiday Mulberry had a sale, so I went and checked to see what's available.  I saw this Mulberry Alice Zipped Tote that caught my attention and was debating if I should spend a little extra on this bag.  I think I deserve to love myself once in awhile but then a two weeks after I checked this bag was no longer available online. The sale section was gone, so I was bummed out that I didn't get it.  Trust me when you see something you like and wanna to treat yourself (The heart wants what it wants - Selena Gomez) you should go for it. 

Have you regretted something so much when you didn't get to purchase something you really want?